Something tells me there is more to my story than I currently know.
By no means am I a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. Rather, it is a very brief account of symptoms that exist prompting me to seek further medical counsel to see if I have co-morbid schizophrenia and autism. I speculate that the autism (in this case I refer to high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome Disorder along the autism spectrum) occurred first, followed by childhood trauma, then depression and anxiety, and finally the break from reality with schizophrenia from the lifelong trauma.
I take three drugs for schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety, and two of those types (anti-psychotics and anti-depressants) are also used for treating autism symptoms. Although reliability and validity of online tests may be open to criticism, I feel that I should seek face to face medical counsel to discuss early childhood symptoms, (including hand biting from frustration of not achieving independent child play goals) and adult symptoms.
Two of my biggest symptoms are short attention span on subjects I am not interested in (even if important) and intense focus in other subjects where there is interest (even if unimportant).
Other symptoms include:
• rigidity to routine
• discomfort to forced novelty
• social aversion of social situations
• intense need for privacy (much more than the average person)
• required rigid organization (when untreated with medication and counselling)
• hyperactivity, obsessive compulsiveness, addictive personality
• extreme sensitivity to information overload that the average person would process as normal
• prolonged childhood night terrors
• attention span and concentration difficulties (possibly related to ADHD)
I also have a hint of a narcissistic personality at times. I am also highly independent, require lots of alone time (much more than the average person), and I have a fascination and fixation on geometric properties and algebraic functions (so much so, my mind draws geometric shapes and equations--in my mind and superimposed onto reality--when I am not focused upon other thoughts).
David Albert Newman, CGA, CIA, ACCA (UK), B. Comm. (Hons.) with Distinction
"Anything is possible if we let our mind wander away from standardization towards creativity."
φ = π - 2^2/φ^2 + e
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