Dave Nelson (left), executive director of the province's division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, watches comedian Ian Morrison go through his routine in Regina on Monday.
Photograph by: Don Healy, Leader-Post, The Leader-Post
"If the audience doesn't laugh, that's their fault" -- that was a humorous lesson a young Ian Morrison learned from watching standup comedy legend George Carlin.
Now, as a teacher of standup comedy, Morrison has created his own musings on comedy.
"What you need to focus on is having fun -- do this because you want to do it and have fun," said the 16-year veteran of standup comedy and former student of the Humber School of Comedy Writing and Performance in Toronto.
Morrison has teamed up with the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association and created a program to help mental health patients perform standup comedy and learn valuable life lessons.
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By Doyle Fox, The Leader-Post
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