Arlene is a Mental Health Support Worker from Winnipeg, Manitoba. She has overcome her debilitating agoraphobia and become an inspirational leader who helps others find hope and become empowered by their experiences with mental illness.
Arlene est travailleuse de soutien en santé mentale et habite à Winnipeg, au Manitoba. Elle a surmonté son agoraphobie pour devenir un leader qui inspire, qui donne de l’espoir et qui encourage les gens de se servir de leurs propres expériences afin de surmonter les défis.
I like to view having a mental illness as a blessing rather than a setback as it has only strengthened my compassion and caring for others. I am able to see a shining light throughout my journey and my wish is to help all that are struggling through their own rough times find not only their shining light but hope as well. I have organized a walk along with the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba to help bring an end to stigma. I send blessings and well wishes to all.
With much love and respect,
Arlene L. Mayes
Arlene is one of five 2009 Faces of Mental Illness. To learn more about this year's Faces, visit our website.
Arlene est une de cinq Visages dans la campagne "La maladie mentale à visage découvert" de 2009. Pour faire connaissance avec tous les Visages de 2009, visitez notre site web
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